Member Benefits

Delve Into an Extensive Range of Premium Benefits that GLSN offers

Explore the advantages of partnering with GLSN. Access a vast forwarding network unititing logistics professionals with a shared goal of growth. All united and motivated to succeed. Join today and start your journey - we've already paved the way, all you need to do is take the first step.

Affordable Membership
Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year
Constantly Evolving
Boosting Your Business
Lead by Industry Experts
Lead by Industry Experts
Lead by Industry Experts

Member Benefits

access exclusive resources, expand your network, and stay ahead with our membership perks.

Affordable  Membership
Affordable Membership

Our membership plans are designed to be accessible and budget-friendly, ensuring that all interested parties can benefit from us.

Two summits in a year
Two summits in a year

Members can expect two well-organized summits annually, providing ample networking, learning, and collaboration opportunities.

Mobile Application
Mobile Application

Access our network and resources anywhere, anytime with our user-friendly mobile app, ensuring seamless connectivity.

Lead by Industry Experts
Lead by Industry Experts

Led by industry leaders, our network provides invaluable insights and mentorship to members, fostering growth and success.

Payment Protection Fund
Payment Protection Fund

We offer peace of mind to members through a Payment Protection Fund that prioritizes transaction security by covering bad debts.

Summit Rewards
Summit Rewards

Get recognized for your dedication with exclusive discounts, special promotions, and a host of other exciting rewards!

Balance No-Overcrowding
Balance No-Overcrowding

Strategic management ensures a successful business summit, promoting interaction and comfort while avoiding overcrowding issues.

Boosting Your Business
Boosting Your Business

We provide resources, guidance, and connections tailored to help your business thrive, supporting your growth and success.

Constantly Evolving
Constantly Evolving

Adapting to industry trends and needs ensures our network's ongoing relevance and effectiveness, securing continued success.

Great Affiliates & Partners
Great Affiliates & Partners

Collaborating with reputable affiliates enhances opportunities for our members, bolstering our network with trusted partnerships.

SME forwarder-focused
SME forwarder-focused

Tailoring solutions to meet SMEs' needs in forwarding ensures specialized support, enhancing their path to sustained success.

Global Coverage
Global Coverage

Spanning the globe, our network facilitates international collaborations and business opportunities with extensive reach.

Member News

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